Aug 26, 2010

Crime. Fear. Shoot.

It's scary how scared we're of the dark, empty, quite night. While standing in the balcony at 3:30 in the morning, I decided I wanted to take a picture of Atlanta downtown sharing the skyline with mist. Stepping out of the apartment door with the expensive gear, noisily walking across the hallway to the elevator, and getting to the 7th floor of the parking garage was a whole another level of decision making. It required contemplation, careful weighing of reward and threat, reminder to buy a pepper spray, intensely alert ears, and courage to infinity. I did it - out and up and clicked and back - but did not feel 100% safe until I was back inside [the apartment] with the door double-locked.

Even when the elevator doors opened, I waited for a few seconds and entered - and exited - slowly, carefully studying my surroundings. The first five minutes on the deck were spent walking around, looking down walls and railings, making sure all was safe. Even when satisfied with the investigation, gear was being setup by hands, while eyes and ears were still on guard. Buildings weren't lit-up the way I wanted so the photo-shoot was a waste, but even if they had looked perfect, I couldn't have given my entire self to the project.

Crime sucks. Fear blows.

I need a late night shooting buddy.

Aug 19, 2010

Cliché, with a touch of self.

uneasy darkness threatened by fire

unstable emotions fueling desire

I hide behind an invisible veil,

nobody knows the real tale...

Aug 12, 2010

Happy Ramadan!

In mere sixty minutes, the moon went from a shy and delicate light-weight white curve to a confident and bold orange-red accent-poser demanding for attention. Pictures, from my baby lens anyway, can't do justice; words will have to suffice.

PS: Thinking about giving fasting a try; the self-control - and in turn self-realization - bit sounds intriguing.

Photo Metadata
Focal Length: 53mm
F-Stop: 5.6
Exposure: 1.3sec
Edits: crop

Aug 11, 2010


Either I'm getting old, or lack patience - BIG TIME! It annoys me, literally makes my blood boil, to chat with people who use short forms for e-v-e-r-y d-a-m-n t-h-i-n-g. I mean, why the F can't you write nice instead of nyc [fyi, nyc = new york city, dumb ass!]. I mean, WTF! What's more annoying is, they wouldn't know what official chat lingo means - lol, rofl, brb. Where the hell are these people coming from?!

So in future, when you ask me when I'm "online" and I reply "I don't sign into messengers" ... OR... if due to some miracle I am indeed signed in but chose to never respond to your messenges ...don't, DO NOT!, ask me why.

Aug 5, 2010

Kaanch si madira...

Out of the blue, without any fault of mine - and I mean it, I did nothing! Followed all rules of decent clothing - my nose started acting up on Sunday evening. Attack of the cold! It was taking a major toll on concentration and Monday night I realized that whiskey works wonders in curing stupid runny noses than any over the counter drug. That night was a good night :). Next morning I was almost cured, and the morning after that fully cured!

Next arrived Mr. Deadly Cough. Ignored it for one night - not good! Two tiny sips the next morning, kept my throat clear the e-n-t-i-r-e day! The day has now faded away and so has the drug. Thus, I return to the [bar] counter, pour myself a drink, sit back and s-i-p it this Thursday night while reading about John Baskerville.

Golden opportunity to have the golden drink!

On another note: came up with this while trying my dumbness on the guitar. First string, alternate frets.

First, Random Try by middlseat