Apr 25, 2007

twentieth 'dhoom'

चलो, इतना तो पता चल गया कि in order to type and see हिन्दी on screen, I need to use Firefox on Windows. Or, soon figure out how to fix this thing on my Mac.

I haven't yet shared my birthday adventures on this blog yet; am wondering if I should.

Well, I turned 20 this past Sunday on April 22, 2007. I don't get excited about any holiday, I actually hate days like Diwali, Holi, New Years etc... when people take a hiatus from normal life, and end up emailing, scrapping, snail-mailing everybody they know, even people they haven't talked to in years - except on these special occasions. I believe all these are a waste of time, money and energy. Yet, there's one day that comes every 365 days, when I go crazy. I have no idea why I do that, can't find a logical explanation. All I can say is - I go crazy on my birthday!

This year too was a lot of fun. I did some pretty नौटंकी-like stuff. You know, the usual me.

Can't share a whole lot, but the highlights are - I went clubbing, and there it was full of धूम!


  1. Happy Belated Birthday, Ms. Geetali. Hope this year brings you lots of happiness, health and success.

    Umm.. so I don't want to spoil your fun, and you can totally disregard it 'cuz i know you are probably very happy typing in Hindi but I cant read it :$


  2. Shivan...
    ...Thanks for the birthday wishes! The Hindi that I've written here he not really required to be read in order to understand the entire blog. The last word was - dhoom! :)

  3. Hey! Belated happy birthday !

  4. and oh btw you look so drunk :P

  5. hehe.. what are you talking about? I've never ever touched liquor in my life!


  6. I just got hooked to this blog thing...technologically challenged as i may sound,,,but i do love your posts..ur poems too,,
    belated Happy Birthday

  7. @Niki
    ...Thanks! Keep dropping by :)

  8. MANY MANY HAPPYBIRTHDAYS IN YOUR LIFE GEETALI,,, tahnks for visiting my blog.. keep a look on me always.. the way of ypur presentation is very very good keep it up

  9. @Raghu
    ...Thanks, both for the birthday wishes and the comment about the blog.
