Apr 28, 2005

21st Wedding Anniversary

According to today's date - April 28, 2005 - Mom-Dad have been married for 21 years.


I've been alive for only 18 years and they have been living together for 21 years!! Just amazing how two individuals from separate familes, brought-up amongst different people, different surroundings, get to be spouses and spend years and years and years together. A time comes when the years spent with the spouse exceeds the number of years spent with parents. At one time the parents knew everything about their child, but then it's not the parents anymore. It's the husband or the wife who knows the person way, way better than anybody had ever known or would know.

Heh... life's a funny little tale.

Apr 27, 2005


What's up with lazy students? Josh always looks over my hw, cw, tests in Gov/Econ class. I didn't really care in the beginning but his attitude got annoying around mid second semester. He didn't bother studying at all!! Today was too much though. These days we are preparing for the Nationwide AP Government exam. Dees has been asking us to do Sample Tests from the book he handed us a few weeks ago. Josh was busy doing his Algebra III homework and as soon as it was close to the time when Dees would go over the answers, Josh started jotting down the alphabets (multiple choice) from my paper. I told him straight up, "It doesn't really matter Josh!" We are doing that crap for practice and Dees is not giving us a grade for it! Hope he starts putting in some effort.

another pic frm yday's rain Posted by Hello

What the hell is wrong with me? I failed the last Trig test pretty badly. The stuff was easy, really, really easy... yet, I just didn't get it. Not only that I don't even feel like actually trying and studying. Have I caught "Senioritus"? Or has "Senioritus" finally got me? I really don't want to be at this point at this time. Got so many exams coming up :( But I just don't feel like studying. Am tired of it! Any suggestions?

Apr 26, 2005

barse baadal...!

Water drops poured down all thoughout the day, but I didn't get a chance to witness its beauty until after stepping down at the bus stop. At first I walked briskly in order to avoid getting wet. Soon, however, I let myself loose and started walking in a much slower pace. Got quite wet by the time I reached home. Asked Hansag to take a few pictures and went outside to feel the sky's tears on my warm face!

rain, rain, oh sweet rain! Posted by Hello

I'm very confused about college. Struggling to figure out which subject area I should focus on. Today only I was looking at Georgia State's Philosophy program. Would love to learn about that, but becoming a Philosopher and focusing only in Philosophy will not suffice. I need something else besides it. Up until yesterday I had two courses in mind - Computer Information Systems and Finance. Both come under the Business program. Now I'm thinking about getting two degrees from separate schools. Possiblities include Business and Liberal Arts.

I am much of a thinker, an observer, a rationalist. So, majors like Philosophy, Psychology, and Sociology are obvious choices. But where will these take me?? I am interested in Business and Computers (technical stuff) as well. The only major that combines both of these interests together is Computer (or Management) Information Systems. Getting two degrees that circle around the same area (CIS and Finance) will be too specific and will not leave me with many choices. Choosing two different paths however will widen the career possibilities even further.

My interests do cover a wide range and I am interested in learning about new things be it Astronomy, Geology, or Anthropology. It's taking me longer than expected to decide on what will be the right choice for me. The most a student can do is a double major. For me, however, that's the least I can do!

Apr 23, 2005

finally.. b'day over!

Birthday bash finally came to an end tonight. Watched The Interpreter a pretty good movie and later had dinner with Nana-Nani. I drove all the way!

Apr 22, 2005

A day in History!

Best birthday ever? --I would definetly say so!!

As written in my last blog it all started a day before my birthday and believe it or not will end a day after! But here's what happened today... I recieved even more ecards and wishes from friends and family. People at school wished me in the morning and recieved calls once I got back home. Enjoyed the entire day with James and Pavan at six-flags. More people would have been great but limit was 3 people per group and everybody got a different ride to work on. In case you are confused, we went to six-flags to work on our Physics semester project. We got the easy one - huhuhahaha! Rained really hard for about an hour and that's when we did all our calculations, before that we were busy getting the measurements. Played a little basketball after coming back to school. Got busy checking and replying to mails once I got home.

Ooooooh... a WONDERFUL thing happend at six-flags... I saw Maggie and Tiffany!! Maggie was on my hall at GHP and Tiffany in my major. Awsome, won't you say? You have to agree with me that this birthday was truely TERRIFIC!

Got a cake are around 10pm. Was very tired so the pictures don't look so good. Here's the cake though...

Kishu's my nick name at home (family and Delhite - non school - friends included), some Xaverians also call me that Posted by Hello

So far so good. In the future getting an iBook??? Possibly! Let's wait and see. I'm also gonna need it for college, and as a discount I don't mind it being a combo gift - birthday and graduation... what ya say peeps?

Apr 21, 2005

on the way...

My birthday has not even started yet (since I'm in US) but the celebrations have already begun! It all started this morning, when my bestest friends for the past 13yrs(!!) gave me a call from my sweet sweet India. We talked for about 20min. Felt so good after hearing their voice! Got up singing and dancing, and was excited all throughout the day. They usually call on the day of the Birthday, but Kanika's going to her Nani's place tomorrow in Rajasthan. It's a good thing they called early, now I'd remain happy longer ;)

Got back home, checked my inbox and aha! mails from all over. Thanks to all you guys!!

Tomorrow, I am going to six flags (amusement park)... woohoo!! It's a Physics trip from school, we have a project to work on. That's not the fun part! Fun comes when the words "Six Flags" are heard in a sentence. Am very excited!

Going out for lunch with Nana-Nani on Saturday.

Hmmm... 18th birthday is different that all the others... I'm an adult guys!! Yippi!

Apr 19, 2005

important dates

April 21 - Economics EOCT (end of course test)
April 22 - Physics trip to 6 Flags (semester project)... also, 18th birthday!
May 4 - AP Statistics EXAM
May 9 - AP Physics EXAM
May 11 - AP Government EXAM
May 12 - Recieve Cap and Gown
May 22 - Baccalaureate at 2pm
May 23 - Final exams for Statistics(?!), Physics (?!), and Programming
May 24 - Final exams for English and Trigonometry, SENIOR PICNIC later in the day
May 26 - Grandparent's breakfast at 9:30am, and SENIOR AWARDS NIGHT at 7pm
May 27 - SENIOR WALK in the morning, class picture in cap and gown, graduation rehearsal in the morning and finally GRADUATION at 7pm

Apr 15, 2005

aching hearts

Am I learning a lot about life lately? The peaks, recessions, troughs, and expansions (to present in economic terms since to exam is coming up) of life? I know that I really like Socrates' quote, "The unexperienced life is not worth living" and would rather learn from my own experiences than somebody else's. I actually want to feel the emotions rather than just imagine them. But you know, sometimes it's a whole lot better to be a spectator or a listener compared to actually being one of the characters on stage.

Life is unpredictable, uneven, unfair. A smile can turn into a tear within a second, a laughter into a cry, joy into sorrow, and celebrations into mournings. It is noticible in my writing that I'm converting all happy moments into sad ones, but aren't these the moments when we say, "life sucks!" There are a limited number of people who remember God or thank anyone for bringing joys into their life. Whereas, almost everyone ridicuels life if something goes wrong.

I don't know where to start or when or how to end. Don't know what all the things, feelings, emotions, experiences and/or details I should write, discuss, record in the middle. I'm not sure what names I should mention or the true stories I should spread light upon. There's one thing I do know though - everything that I'm about to write is not limited to myself or the people these are about; this is universal. Character's change, settings change, dialogues somewhat vary, but the theme remains. I'm not going to write a very long blog on this subject because it depresses me, but if for some reason this ends up taking a lot of your time, I ask for your forgiveness.

People are dying, everyday. Either due to accidents, diseases, or natural causes. Their friends and relatives are mourning on the loss of someone who left memories behind, but the memories will fade away with time. What hits hard is when we know the one who has lost someone. Even though we may have not known the person, still the human heart aches and pain brings tears to the eyes. Thinking about the situation a brother, a sister, a mother, a father may be in.

Andree' didn't know Marcel's brother, yet she was crying in class thinking about how much the 8th grader is going to be missed. He had cancer. Marcel was very close to him, often talked about his actions. I too was sad to hear the news, but for some reason didn't show many emotions. Didn't even feel much. Maybe, I've realized this truth and coping with somebody else's pains has become easier upon myself. All I pray for now is... help them God!

Apr 1, 2005

Regina going to GHP

Regina Addo was nominated for GHP in the field of Biology. and guess what?? Yup! SHE GOT IT!! Ghosh! I'm so happy! When she said, "yes!" to my question, "did you get it?" I started jumping and screaming and gave her a tight hug! Man-o-man... I've so glad! She's gonna have sooooooo much fun. I miss GHP!!


A total number of 6 ppl got it, the other 5 are...

Logan for Math (they learn how to juggle, wow na?)
John for Physics (don't know much)
Zack for Agri-Science (they go on all sort of trips)
Scott for Saxophone (amazing, ppl go crazy!)
Brionna for Spanish (que pasa, what?)

All are 11th graders except Logan, who's in 10th.

Multicultural Fair 2005

The multicultural fair was today only. I know I didn't mention it before, but that's because I didn't participate this year. Last year I did India with Himali and Pavan. There were two other boards for India. One done by Amish, Arun, and Nemish, the other done by Anchita, Hasita and Kavita. Pavan made samosas last year and we (the Indians working at the fair) ate them all, leaving nothing for the visitors :) Couldn't help, they were soo good!

Mary-Ann (left) and Sonia (right) Posted by Hello

Anyways, this year Mary-Ann and Sonia worked on the India board. The other board on India was put together by Anchita and Hasita. The fair was the same as last years - okay. Almost the same type of boards, absolutely the same dances (with very few variations) and the same attitude - excited and hyper at first, but as time passed watching the same thing and answering the same questions becomes tiring and a huge burden. Therefore, I enjoyed this year's better. After all I was just a visitor, saying hey talking to people and cursing them out for not having any food left (haha! just kiddin'). The best part of the fair was when I saw Miles playing his Viola. Ghosh! I just started cracking up. I don't know what was so funny about it, but it was pretty damn funny!! I didn't disturb him and went on with the fair. I was at the Trinidad and Tobago booth when he came over and said, "Yeah! don't even say a hi."

Trinidad and Tobago Posted by Hello

So, I went to his "orchestra corner" and checked out the string intruments he had back there. Started arguing with him how his instrument is a Violin and not a Viola. After all it's played the same way! He explained the difference, "You need to be tall and have gorrilla arms to be able to play Viola." This sentence was aimed towards not letting me play the Viola. Then he actually showed me the two instruments and that's when I finally believed him. He did let me try to play it though. I'm telling ya, you really need to have gorrilla arms to play that thing (yup, exaggerating here)! My arms were not long enough (or so I felt). He was trying to put my fingers at the correct places, but again my pinky (smallest) finger wasn't long enough. I moved that stick thing up and down in an effort to make music, but whatever came out of it was something that you won't ever call music. After making me happy as anything, he played the Viola just for me... awww! Miles is GREAT!!

playing viola Posted by Hello

Other than all the fun described above, I had a test in Stats that I did not study for while sleeping at home. Yeah, I got sleepy while trying to read the chapter, slept from from around 8:30pm till 5:54am. Started studying as soon as I got up. Isolated myself from everybody at school to understand this last chapter. I had to go over because I didn't do any of the hw assigned or even read the chapter. Due to the fair not a lot of people came to class. They were either helping at the fair or took an early break (next week is off, it's our spring break). I think I did fine at the test after all. It was not hard at all. Surprizingly, I knew what I was doing.

This six weeks I have all A's and B's, including Physics. It's that amazing? An A in Trig, woohoo! A cursin' B in English, can you believe that? B in Schernekau's?? Hate me, don't you? If you don't then I'm gonna hate you, so you better start hatin' :)

Okay listen, got a haircut today. Had been wanting to get one since forever! Short hair are SO MUCH better to take care of. In India, I had boycutt. After moving to US though, I decided on "becoming" a girl. Change is a part of life I guess. I like long hair too, but :(( you have to care so much! Plus, windy air tangles it up so bad! Anyways, this is how I look now...

breaking mom's car :D Posted by Hello

self taken close-up. isn't that the most stupid smile ever!? Posted by Hello

Okie dokes (and I like saying "dokes" instead of "dokie") about the Spring Break. Am not doing anything, not going anywhere, don't have any plans, will sit at home all week long and actually study for the AP exams this time. I borrowed Barron's AP Government and AP Physics books from Dees and Lee, respectively. Mom brought Amsco's AP Statistics from her school. All these books are really good. I know I can pass the Gov exam, Stats would take some work, but it's not impossible either. Physics... hahaha... let's not go there, but I'll see where I stand.

Wish me luck people!